Web traffic and downloads data mapped to company IP addresses to understand what topics employees are researching. Obtained through direct partnership with content publishers.
Web Traffic
main data source2014
Year Company Founded- 1
Discretionary Asset Manager Customers100
99.9% of publicly traded companies and beyond (for industry trends)
Collect data on all sectors and industries. Currently building out applications/frameworks for each
Hedge Fund
New York City, NY, USA
Raw, Platform Based, Research Reports
Will not provide
Pricing is a yearly license and depends on type data purchased (raw, processed, full file or specific sectors)
US, Europe, Asia
Broad stock coverage, signals for companies & industries, 3+ years of history
Full Dataset Description
Bombora is an aggregator of company research intelligence. Over the past 4 years, we have created partnerships with 4,000+ sites including publishers, analyst firms, lead gen/event companies and B2B vendors. We provide them with enhanced visitor analytics and advertising capabilities by placing a pixel on their sites. In turn, they share anonymized content consumption activity (40B monthly interactions) that happens on their web properties (ex: article reads, whitepaper/webinar downloads, etc). We process each interaction to reveal the company they work for (using IP to Domain and cookie profile data) and the topic they’re researching (proprietary NLP auto-classifying into one of 4,300+ topics). The data is aggregated and normalized daily to reveal a consistent data stream of company research activities and trends. You can use the data to predict buying intent, earnings surprise, risk, expansion, M&A, ESG trends on any of the 3.3M companies we currently track (including the vast majority of Wilshire 5,000) or general industry/geo trends.