Sentiment data covering financial news and social media. Founded in 2015; 9 employees.

Apertio Technologies

Data aggregator covering public data including government, education, finance, and demographic data. Founded in 2017; 5 employees.


Consulting and data brokerage services for buy side clients. Specializes in web data.

Freestyle Media

Data on 1.5mm jobs across 6k companies. Founded in 2018; 2 employees.

KASPR Datahaus

Local Internet activity and quality data in real time, worldwide, to provide insights about human behaviour and economic activity. Founded in 2018; 3 employees.


Data on 200k verified salaries tagged by company, job, degree, and more, as well as engagement survey with 80k employee panel. Founded in 2012; 3 employees.

Revelio Labs

Human Capital data within companies: Headcount, Hiring, Attrition. Can be analyzed by Roles, Skills, Seniority, Education, and more.


Text analytics platform with custom solutions as well as eight years of of ticker-mapped data across multiple languages. Founded in 2010; 13 employees.


Sentiment and ratings data on sell-side and investor stock opinions. Founded in 2012; 41 employees.