
Mobile phone location data dating back to 2015 transformed into information that can be easily consumed and acted upon by investors and business managers.

Big Byte Insights

Y/Y changes in New Rentals and Same Store Rental Rates across REITs Self Storage, REITs Malls, REITs Shopping Centers and now Multifamily REITs.


Data on same store sales and production capacity for 280 Japanese companies. Also sentiment data focused on earning transcripts and regulatory filings.


Forward Looking Global Event Calendar covered by 2.5m+ Historical Global Event data-sets. Almanac is the Internet of Events.


DeepAffects provides CxO identification and emotion recognition data on historical and live earnings call audio, using AI applied directly to voice audio.


Sentiment data on earnings calls. Founded in 2018; 4 employees.

SMB Intelligence

Current prime growth business activity relevant to Opportunity Zones.

Apertio Technologies

Data aggregator covering public data including government, education, finance, and demographic data. Founded in 2017; 5 employees.


Consulting and data brokerage services for buy side clients. Specializes in web data.