
Data on 200k verified salaries tagged by company, job, degree, and more, as well as engagement survey with 80k employee panel. Founded in 2012; 3 employees.


Dividend forecast data (dates and amounts) calculated 24 months in advance using a corporate actions database. Sell-side analysts review all forecasts.


Free sentiment and news data dating back to 1979 and geo-referenced to create global sentiment network. Coverage of 100+ languages and daily granularity since 2013. Founded in 2011; 1 employees.


Mobile app usage, geo-location data, make/model/carrier information, and purchase history by demographic. Over 1bn devices in dataset. Founded in 2015; 11 employees.

Descartes Labs

Geospatial image processing – receive satellite imaging from public and commercial partners. Founded in 2014; 75 employees.

Orbital Insight

Satellite data with broad sector applications. Founded in 2013; 78 employees.

RS Metrics

Satellite data focused on metals and commodities, real estate and industrial sector applications. Founded in 2010; 50 employees.

T.H. Capital

China focused web data firm. Founded in 2011 by a former Bernstein analyst; 12 employees.


Global job listing provider with 150mm jobs tracked since 2007. Provides both raw data and insights. Founded in 1996; 45 employees.


Live normalized dataset surveilling material changes in each private & public corporation, plus public sector. Extracted from 300k sources, deduplicated and enhanced with metadata.